Chapter 20 Study Guide Corrections and Evidence

Corrections and changes made to my paper

While looking over and checking the work of my paper, I noticed that while I worded things as I found them from the book, the answer sheet was worded far more casually... This brought me to start thinking about how I was answering and if it was a useful method... 

By reading the part of the book passage that answers the question, and then forming my own words for how to answer the question, I am already storing some of the information in my memory and proving I understand the question.

So, while I did technically have all the correct answers, I went back and reworded them all to be much more casual and my own words. 

Political Cartoon

The Monroe Doctrineidea that "Western hemisphere was off-limits to Europeans" in response to the efforts by the European nations to colonize the lands in North or South America. These efforts were seen as acts of aggression requiring US intervention, as in history all things seem to eventually require it, or perhaps our head gets a little big on our shoulders at times, so to speak.  This cartoon gives a physical image to that aggression.  The two men to the left of the “Monroe Doctrine” represent countries trying to colonize territories in South America and the United States, to which Uncle Sam (America) seems to be indicating to stay on their side of the line (Monroe Doctrine.

Political cartoon
This Cartoon shows Uncle Sam taking the Spanish bull by the horns, a real man's man. The concept is one of 'getting the job done'. It comes into play when referencing the Spanish-American War where Cuba revolted against Spain because of the poor economic conditions. In return, Spain forced Cubans into their homes and placed them in camps guarded by Spanish troops, something similar to the Holocaust in a way.
McKinley was forced by public opinion, as all political leaders are, to halt Spain’s harsh treatments on Cuba. Feeling it was America's responsibility to help others, the U.S. indeed steps in - more specifically- McKinley steps in... this is where the idiom “take the bull by the horns” comes in because the President (America) needed to take care of the situation and get the job done. The bull in the cartoon symbolizes Spain in this situation and also is labeled Spain as if to make it even more obvious.

Political Cartoon

This political cartoon is about the Annexation of Hawaii. The reason the U.S. wanted Hawaii was to gain territory in the U.S. and to acquire more raw materials, such as sugar cane. Hawaii was also desired because of their military station: Fort Sumter. Unfortunately, Hawaii did not agree to become part of the U.S.'s territory, and the U.S. didn't like that. Hawaii was forced against their will to join the U.S. and since that day, Hawaii lost its Independence. The cartoonist's message was that states should not be forced against their will and that they should have their own right to be Independent. The cartoonist used symbolism because Uncle Sam is making everything go his/ the U.S.'s way.  They also used labeling because the word see-saw is above Queen Liliuokalani. Another form of symbolism and perhaps analogy is making the Queen look like a primitive fool, supporting the claims that Hawaii is unable to hold independence and Govern themselves.


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