Impeachment: Time to get into it, my opinions! (Post 3)
The following contains my personal opinions on the matters being discussed and by no means hold any intention to offend anyone or choose a side. If I were to use a Likert Scale (0-5) in order to assign to the president's conduct over current trials, with 0 standing for perfectly unimpeachable by any measures and 5 being obviously impeachable, I would estimate my rating to be about 4. I am incredibly hesitant to actually assign a number for my thoughts on this, but I think it would fall almost in the middle. I can't exactly judge the president's conduct all on my own, however, I do not think he is downright guilty nor innocent. My rating does lean a little bit more towards impeachable since if there was absolutely no reason for him to be impeached, the trials would not be happening. The argument stands, there was evidence found for his accused soliciting Ukraine help among a few following sub reasons, which is why my rating is a little closer to impeachable. ...