
Showing posts from January, 2020

Impeachment: Time to get into it, my opinions! (Post 3)

The following contains my personal opinions on the matters being discussed and by no means hold any intention to offend anyone or choose a side. If I were to use a Likert Scale (0-5) in order to assign to the president's conduct over current trials, with 0 standing for perfectly unimpeachable by any measures and 5 being obviously impeachable, I would estimate my rating to be about 4. I am incredibly hesitant to actually assign a number for my thoughts on this, but I think it would fall almost in the middle. I can't exactly judge the president's conduct all on my own, however, I do not think he is downright guilty nor innocent. My rating does lean a little bit more towards impeachable since if there was absolutely no reason for him to be impeached, the trials would not be happening. The argument stands, there was evidence found for his accused soliciting Ukraine help among a few following sub reasons, which is why my rating is a little closer to impeachable. ...

Impeachment Questions (Post 2)

1.) What is impeachment?  2.) What is Trump accused of? 3.) Why is there a trial? 4.) What does a senate trial involve? 5.) Who are the main players? 6.) Will Trump give evidence?  7.) When will this all be over? How long does Impeachment take? 8.) What is the impeachment process? 9.) Is impeachment helpful in politics? 10.) Can impeachment be a mistake? 11.) What evidence should there be? 12.) Why does impeachment have to be such a publically big deal? 13.) Why can it not be discreet and then be announced? 14.) Why is it watched like a drama and watched like a movie? 15.) Can impeachment be dangerous? 16.) Do the same rules apply to the president as the government? 17.) How does Ukraine feel about impeachment?

Impeachment Sources (Post 1)

1.)  Interactive impeachment process was short and sweet to allow me to understand the steps of the process taken in impeachment. 2.)  Articles of Impeachment that literally wrote out why the Impeachment trials are currently in progress and what they are going over, answering my main question of why is Donald Trump being considered for impeachment. 3.)  CBS gave me much more insight on how the Ukrainians might feel about Trump's Impeachment. 4.)  CBS News was impressive in giving me insight into the current events and thoughts of the process of Trump's impeachment . 5.)  The VOX article of the whistleblower was an excellent source for learning about the Ukraine Whistleblower... and what a whistleblower is. 6.)  Vox better and more thoroughly explains the impeachment process and reasoning. 7.)  New York Times wasn't as interesting to read about, but further told of what led up to current events and shared different views, sights, and opinion...


The 1999 impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton, Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding. Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 provides: The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of  Impeachment . — U.S.  Constitution ,  Article  II,  section 4 The power of impeachment is limited to removal from office but also provides for a removed officer to be disqualified from holding future office. Fines and potential jail time for crimes committed while in office are left to civil courts.


Just because they outrank you, doesn't mean they lead you. When asked about what makes a good leader, my thoughts tend to fall towards the general idea. Perhaps a hero, an underdog, or someone with a strong sense of justice and people skills. It is when one begins to think about it that the gears begin to turn. Who is really considered a leader - Who do I  consider a strong leader. Well, I would think my idea of who a leader is to be very obvious. I see my mom as the unwavering leader in my life and for what my idea of a leader forms into. A strong-willed woman, stubborn and determined but still willing to listen to others' ideas. I see someone who expressed their ideas of right and wrong, holding a semblance of patience, and humility... I see a leader able to lead others even when they themselves are not in an actual leading position, because in the end, they will want what is best for those around them, but most importantly, the best for their team. ...